10 Meter Rifle Match Report

March 13th, 2015
We had 7 shooters that participated in the 10 Meter Rifle match on Mar. 13, 2015. We ran one match 80 minutes nonstop to shoot 60 shots. This went well. The match started about 6:10 pm and ended about 7:45 pm. As you will see in the following report one shooter had a score of 608.4. All had a great time.
A typical match is now separated into four classes.
*** Off-hand standing. (18 yrs and older).
*** Off-hand sitting
*** NRA Adaptive Prone (Bench-rest style)
*** Juniors (17 yrs and younger)
In a typical match all classes will shoot 2 shots per target. Five targets per round. Total 10 shots per 10 minute round. Six rounds for a 60 shot match. Juniors may shoot 1 shot per target. 10 targets per 10 minute round. This format works best for juniors as they prepare for major sanctioned matches.
Please note the scores are shown in decimal units. Thus, no X's. First place in Off-hand standing class was Mark Bouchard with 492.6. Second place went to Barry Jacobs with 432.1. Third place went to David Bayer with 425.6. First place in the NRA Adaptive Prone/BR class was Allen Surratt with a whopping 608.4 of 600. Yes, this is correct. These scores are possible using decimal scoring. Typical in sanction matches. Awesome shooting. Second place went to Andy Picard with 554.3. Third place went to Al Jack with 538.2. A great evening of shooting and personal achievements. Congratulations to all the shooters. Thanks to all that participated and helped clean up.