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 BR Silhouette Match Report

December 27th, 2014




The event went well and Andy did a terrific job. A big thanks goes to Andy, I was in Omaha with a 12 deg day high, -1 low in the morning and a -20 wind chill ave. Believe me I thought how I wish I was home attending this match. I know it was cold but I would have traded temps any time. Its so nice to be home. 

Lets move on. The Bench-rest Silhouette match on Dec 27, 2014 had a good turnout with 12 shooters considering the holidays and temps. I understand the match went well. Thanks to all that participated and  helped set-up and cleanup. 

First place Standard Class went to Kevin Hilgers with 32 knockdowns out of 40. Great shooting. Second place went to Dave Hartsoch with 30 knockdowns. Also, with 30 knockdowns in third place was Allen Surratt. And also with 30 knockdowns in fourth place was Justin Tassinari. The tie breaker for all three shooters was determined by first missed. First place Heavy Varmint Class was Larry Nelson witrh 14 knockdowns. First place Springer Class was Warren Bissonnette with 7 knockdowns. Great shooting by all and congratulations to all the shooters.









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