50 Yard & 75 Yard Benchrest Match Report

January 15th, 2017
First of all a big thanks to Ben Spencer running the line for practice and in between while I was scoring. Another thank you to Mark Hommer helping with the electronic match set up, labeling targets, and assisting in the scanning of all the targets. We tried something new today with bench assignments and it went well. a big thank you to Ray Perron with his poker chip idea. As you arrive at the range you grab a chip which has a bench number on it. This is your bench for the match. Upon registration you turn in your chip.
Light turnout for today's match. Weather was less than desirable. Cold, damp, windy. Well the wind is always a battle. Cold, well it is January after all. Damp, at least it didn't rain. Even the targets were starting to swell. As you will see by the scores the weather was a great equalizer.
50 Yard match!
Had to make a correction but it did not affect the medal winners. Somehow Ray Perron was in the Heavy Varmint class which is not suppose to be so I put Ray in the Open class.
I'm gonna start with the most challenging class. Springer only had one brave shooter. Chuck Woosley shot a 459 - 3X. Well done Chuck!
Unlimited only had one shooter. John Hardman shot a 629 - 5X! Second highest overall score. Good shooting John!
Open class had ten shooters! Mark Buchanan took 3rd with a 602 - 3X. Yours truly (Andy Picard) edged out Mark with a 604 - 8X (highest X count). With a 632 - 7X taking first and first overall was Ben Spencer.
75 Yard match!
Eight shooters total! Three Precision and five Hunter class.
Third place in Precision class went to Anthony Turchetta with a 535 - 5X. Second went to Ben Spencer with a 567 - 4X. First went to John Hardman with a 587 - 16X (highest X count and high score overall).
Hunter class, with five shooters saw Linda Koch take third with a 572 - 4X. Barry Diehl 4 more points took second with a 576 - 11X. First went to Mark Buchanan with a 584 - 13X.
Well done shooters and thanks for coming out!
Andrew C Picard
​Match director for 50 & 75 yard Airgun Benchrest.