10 Meter Air Pistol Match

February 3th, 10th, 17th, 24th, 2016
A great turnout of 24 shooters participated on 2-3-16. Ran three relays. Started about 6:00 pm and ended about 8:50pm. Congratulations to all the shooters and thanks to all who participated and helped set up and clean up. Please see attached match scores
A great turnout of 24 shooters participated on 2-10-16. Ran three relays. Started about 6:00 pm and ended about 8:50pm. Congratulations to all the shooters and thanks to all who participated and helped set up and clean up. Please see attached match scores.
A good turnout of 22 shooters participated on 2-10-16. Ran two relays. Started about 6:00 pm and ended about 7:50pm. Congratulations to all the shooters and thanks to all who participated and helped set up and clean up. Please see attached match scores.
A good turnout of 24 shooters participated on 2-24-16. Ran three relays. Started about 6:15 pm and ended about 9:15pm. Please notice on the match report a 10 yr old junior not much bigger than the gun he shot out scored everyone over 10 years of age. That is everyone else, ha! Even though he used a bag to help support the gun I think he would still out shoot everyone given the same support. Great shooting Karter! Congratulations to all the shooters and thanks to all who participated and helped set up and cleaned up. Please see attached match scores.