10 Meter Indoor Pistol and Rifle

10 Meter Indoor Pistol and Rifle Classes and Rules
​Matches are on Wednesday evening twice a month starting at 6:30 pm unless stated otherwise. Practice begins about 5:00 pm. Location is at the OETC indoor air-gun range. The course of fire is a 60 shot match in 90 minutes at your own pace. Shooters may take breaks as needed. Twelve targets for a match and one for practice is provided. Note: Shooters may print additional targets from this website under the tab ' targets'. See classes below.
Equipment needed:
Any 10 meter Air Pistol or Rifle. ( 6 ft-lb of energy or less )
Sights: Open or Electronic dot etc. ( Class specified )
Ammo: Any commercial .177 pellet. Flat head type only. ( NO domed head pellet )
A spotting scope is very handy ( 10-20 power works well ). Some people use binoculars.
About 100 rounds of ammunition (60 rounds for the match the rest for some practice).
A rifle bag or gun box to case and uncase your pistol or rifle at the firing line on bench.
A breach or muzzle indicator is required.
Safety glasses or glasses with safety lens must be worn at all times.
Ear protection optional.
PISTOL Classes
a) Standing position only, no supporting contact allowed.
b) Sights: Open factory pistol sights only.
c) Use single bull 10m Pistol target.
2 ) SUPPORTED 10m PISTOL ( Club Class )
a) Standing or sitting position allowed. ( physically challenged allowed )
b ) Sights: Any sights open or electronic mounted to pistol allowed.
c) Must shoot off bench 50mm round adjustable supports provided.
d) Use single bull 10m Pistol target.
​3) BENCHREST 10m PISTOL ( Club Class )
​a) Any Front Rest such as bags, Bipod, adjustable mechanical etc, ( Rest with pointed legs must have a solid base under each leg. )
b) Ammo: 177 cal commercial flat head type pellets only. Power up to 6 ft- lbs energy max.
c) Sitting position only. No spec on seating type.
d) Sights: Any sights open, scope or electronic mounted to gun allowed.
e) MUST use 5 bull RIFLE targets
​4) FREESTYLE 10m PISTOL ( Club Class )
a ) Any style of shooting permitted off hand.
b ) Includes ANY modifications to the pistol or sights mounted to gun.
c) Any type of sights maybe allowed such as peep sights, scopes and electronic sighting.
d) NO Benchrest support or contact with bench.
e) Use single bull 10m Pistol target.
​RIFLE Classes
a) Standing position only.
b) Sights: Only 10m open type rifle sights mounted to rifle allowed.
c) MUST use 5 bull RIFLE targets
2 ) SUPPORTED 10m RIFLE ( ISSF modified rules )
a ) Standing or sitting position allowed. ( physically challenged allowed )
b ) Sights: Any sights open or electronic mounted to gun allowed.
c) Must shoot off bench 50mm round supports provided.
d) MUST use 5 bull RIFLE targets
3 ) BENCHREST 10m RIFLE ( Club Class )
a ) Any 10m meter rifle with mounted bipod only. ( Any type bipod. No other rest allowed )
b ) Shooter may use the assistance of any type of rear rest ( Adjustable rear rest allowed ).
c ) Shooter should be seated. ( Any type of seating is allowed in this club class ) also, ( physically challenged allowed )
d ) Sights: Must be any type open 10m rifle sights. ( No peep sights, red dots or scopes allowed )
e ) MUST use 5 bull RIFLE targets.
4 ) FREESTYLE 10m RIFLE ( Club Class )
a ) Any style of shooting permitted off hand free standing.
b ) Includes ANY modifications to the rifle.
c ) Any type of sights maybe allowed such as peep sights, scopes and electronic sighting.
d ) MUST use 5 bull RIFLE targets.
5 ) Unlimited Benchrest 10m RIFLE ( Club Class )
a ) Any 10m Rifle limited to 6 ft-lb of energy.
b ) Includes ANY modifications to the rifle.
c ) Any type of sights maybe allowed such as peep sights, scopes and electronic sighting.
d ) Any type of front and rear rest may be used. One or two piece bench rests and bipods are allowed.
( Bench rest with adjustable pointed legs must have a base of some type so as to not damage the rubber bench top surface )
e) MUST use 5 bull RIFLE targets.
So bring enough pellets for the match and some practice.
DATE: Wednesday night twice a month. ( Check calendar for schedule )
TIME: ( Check calendar for starting time )
LOCATION: Rio Salado Sportman's Club
(OETC) Outdoor Education and Training Center
( Also known as Indoor shooting Range )
Wednesday night FEE’S: Member $10.00
Non-member $15.00
The above is subject to change without notice.