Benchrest Match Report

December 6th, 2014
Another great match today. We had some visitors join us all the way from Tucson and Green Valley. We met them at the Extreme, and it was great to see them make the trip all the way up north to join us. Fantastic shooters as well. Schmidt & Bender debuted their brand new Field Target II scope that hasn’t been released to the public yet. Giving shooters some hands-on time with it to admire it’s qualities. Very nice.
The 25m match went great with the usual challenging breezes, and very successful shooters. It looks like the weather monitor was not recording the breezes that we were experiencing, but hey, nothing’s perfect. We had a great turnout with a total of 24 shooters, and five spring shooters signing up. it looks like some of our spring shooters were registered under the Unlimited class, and we couldn't remember who they were to change it! So if you know... let us know so we can correct the score sheet!
The 100m is going strong! We had nine shooters battle the challenging conditions. A big surprise was Eileen from Tucson smoking the group with the best card shot, but missing out on taking a place due to missed shots on a target or two. Nonetheless outstanding shooting! One of the challenges we are discovering in 100m is the choice of targets and scoring methods. Since the electronic scoring system has no optimal target and virtual plug in the diameters needed, it led to some interesting scoring improvisations. Traditionally the Orion scoring system was using .177 plugs on everything, and having some glitches with large holes like the .357. We have put together an informal committee to evaluate a new target that is easy to see at 100m and score. Stay tuned next month to see some possible solutions to our work-in-progress! Since this is so new, we are blazing new trails, finding challenges, and overcoming them, as always ... on the cutting edge.