Benchrest Match Report

June 4th, 2016
Wow what an incredible match!!! We were expecting a low turnout. With the anticipation that conditions were going to be miserable, we braced for record temperatures, but instead we got record scores! The match started out in the 80’s, by the second match and the third match, temps were only in the 90s. But once scores were tabulated, it crested to well in the 110 area.
Everything was on time, match started one minute early. Scoring between matches took about 7 minutes. Final review took a little longer to verify the results were accurate.
Conditions were about the best we ever had, and the scores certainly reflect that.
Congrats to Mark Buchanan for shooting two 250s with a total of 749 35X.
Irwin Segerman shot a 748 with an incredible 47 X count and a 250 Target. The third person to score a 250 card was Linda Koch. She is one our new shooters that has been shooting with us for a few months, and presents today with an astounding accomplishment of a 747 28X. Absolutely outstanding!
Of note, there were ten 249 targets shot, and this is unheard of at our range. Please check out the results below, to see how everyone ranked. An interesting note, the top 6 shooters of the day shot in HV class.
We cancelled the 100m match due to the expected heat of 117 today.
Thanks to Andy for help setting up and scoring, and Cole's help with scoring.
I bet there were quite a few proud smiles on peoples faces today for the drive home...
Sorry no pictures this time!