BR Silhouette Match Report

January 24th, 2015
The Benchrest Silhouette match on Jan. 24, 2015 had a turnout of 9 shooters. We actually had more shooters, but some backed out before starting due to incredible winds. I was told winds were gusting to 30 mph plus a very cool morning on top. One of the shooter's rifle blew off the bench just before starting the match. He was unable to continue. We had problems with the metal silhouettes staying on the stands. So we taped them down. This seemed to help. I know of other shooters that decided not to come due to weather. So we decided to wait until 9:30 am thenn decide to continue with the match or not. All the remaining shooters elected to continue. The match ended well. The match was over about 11:30 am. At the awards meeting all the shooters said they had a good time. So thanks to all that participated and helped set-up and cleanup.
First place Standard class went to Mark Buchanan with 28 knockdowns out of 40. Second place went to Allen Surratt also with 28 knockddons. The tie breaker was determined by first missed starting with chickens. Third place was Ray Perron 21 knockdowns. First place place Heavy Varmint class went to Bill Lagusis with 11 knockdowns. This is Bill"s first time shooting this event. Well done. Also tied with Bill was Larry Nelson with 11 knockdowns. Again the tie breaker was determined by first missed starting with chickens. Great shooting by all considering the wind and congratulations.