BR Silhouette Match Report

March 21th, 2015
The Bench-rest Silhouette match on Mar 21, 2015 had a great turnout of 19 shooters. The Field target match that started in the morning ended with plenty of time for shooters to participate. The match started about 1:00 pm beginning with a 15 minute practice period and ended about 3:30 pm. A great day with variable winds. Temp was in the high seventy's. Overall a great day for the match. I want to thank everyone for helping set up and take down. Your participation made this a great match.
We had one tie in the standard class as you will see in this report. The tie breaker method is based on first missed. For the sake of time and fairness each animal is reviewed for first miss starting with chickens. This would be like comparing apples with apples rather than apples and oranges. Such as comparing 1st missed pigs to 1st missed pidgs to 1st missed turkeys. It would be fair to say pigs at 44 meters are less challenging than turkeys at 60 meters, thus apples to oranges. This way it does not matter what animal the tie started on.
First place standard class went to Garland Tyler with 34 knockdowns out of 40. This is Garland's first time. Great shooting. Second place went to Tony Taraszka with 32 knockdowns. Third place went to Ray Perron close behind with 31 knockdowns. In the Junior class first place went to Kayvon Beyrami with 17 knockdowns. Good shooting. In the Extreme class first place went to Mark Bouchard with 15 knockdowns. Second place went to Al Jack with 11 knockdowns. Third place went to Mark Hommer with 8 knockdowns. First place in the heavy varmint class went to Peykan Beyrami with 28 knockdowns. Second place went to Bill Lagusis with 24 knockdowns. Third place went to Andy Picard with 13 knockdowns. Great shooting and congratulations to all the shooters.