10 Meter Air Pistol Match
November 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23th, 30th, 2016
A.) One-Hand Standing
B.) Two-Hand Standing
C.) ( NEW ) Freestyle: Shooters may use any style of shooting desired except one or two hand standing.
D.) 10m Rifle
E.) Junior: Any shooter less then 1.7 decades old.
Greetings shooters, we had 9 shooters participate on the Nov 02 '16 match. This was a pistol and rifle match. We ran two relays that started about 6:00 pm and ended about 7:40 pm. We're now using the electric target movers. Sure helps speed things up. Congratulations to all the shooters and thanks to all who participated and helped set up and clean up. NOTE!!! There will no match on Nov 9, 2016 due the Western States SingleStack Championship.
Greetings shooters and HAPPY THANKSGIVING, we had 13 shooters participate on the Nov 16 '16 match. This was a pistol and rifle match. We ran two relays that started about 6:00 pm and ended about 7:40 pm. Some of our winter visiting members are here, so great to see you all back.Congratulations to all the shooters and thanks to all who participated and helped set up and cleaned up.
Greetings shooters. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We had 13 shooters participate on the Nov 23 '16 match. This was a pistol only match. We ran two relays that started about 6:00 pm and ended about 7:40 pm. Linda Koch sent a text wishing all a Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks Linda. Hope you did also. Congratulations to all the shooters and thanks to all who participated and helped set up and cleaned up.
Greetings shooters. We had 18 shooters participate on the Nov 30 '16 match. This was a pistol and rifle match. We ran three relays that started about 6:00 pm and ended about 8:40 pm. NOTICE! Something new by request is going to be tested this coming match. A new class for 10M pistol benchrest. Shooters may rest only the heel of their pistol grips on a Bench top, box, or bag from sitting position. The pistol must be held by one or two hands only. Cannot rest any part of the arm above the wrist. Scoring will be done in decimal just like we do for 10M Rifle matches. Should be more challenging then one would think since no one testing this has yet shot a perfect target. So, come to the match and give it a try.Congratulations to all the shooters and thanks to all who participated and helped set up and cleaned up from this past match.