50 Yard & 75 Yard Benchrest Match Report
December 18th, 2016
First and foremost I need to thank Gerry Koch for his assistance with the scoring.
The day was cold with annoying winds. Everybody was off the mark a bit because either they couldn't feel the trigger (cold fingers) or the wind shifted as they let the shot go. So what else is new!!!!!! Oh yeah,,,,, the cold! The wind,,,, well what can I say. That's not new, that's the norm.
We started about 9:15 am and finished presenting awards by around 11:30 am. The 75 Yard match started shortly afterward.
We had several new shooters including 2 people Ben Spencer invited. Hope they enjoyed the match, the weather,,,,,,,,, well maybe not so much. Ben has a warming trick which I thought was neat. He wore gloves which he put under the hand dryer in the men's room. Neat trick. Don't laugh, it works!
In Open class Dave Litt took top honors with a 650-9 X's. On Dave's heels Jack Mercer with a 648-8 X's. A realllllllyyyyyyyyy close third taken by yours truly Captain Picard with a 587-5 X's. Lets see that was a 51 point difference but onnnnnnly 3 X's.
In Unlimited class 1st was Irwin Segerman with a 681-11 X's. Second was Linda Koch with a 637- 4 X's and third was Mark Buchanan with a 622-6 X's. Both Linda and Mark were shooting 177 cal.
All I can say is the wind is a truly great equalizer!
As for our first match of the new year, January 15th is the date. Match start will be 10 am. Registration will end at 9:15 am. The 75 Yard match will follow around 12-12:30.
The scoring of the 50 Yard match has been going extremely smooth allowing us to present awards before the 75 yard match starts. I am able to complete the scoring of the 50 yard match while the 75 yard is setting up and getting their practice rounds in so we will continue with this process. See attached for 75 yd scores.
Something I would like to try next year is to have some else call the line from time to time. It's really not that hard to do especially after a couple of times. Most of us know the routine. Maybe we can also get a couple more people to learn the scoring system as well. We do this on Wednesday Night Airgun and we have several people that call the line and do the scoring and it works great.
That's it for this year, a great year with the matches running smother than ever only to get better.
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year.
Andrew C Picard
Match Director for 50 and 75 Yard Airgun Benchrest