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      50 Yard & 75 Yard Benchrest Match Report  

September 18 th, 2016




We had a light turnout today, the temperature was nice but as usual the wind caused us some grief. Go figure!

Had some technical problems with the computer. Computer did not want to communicate with the printer. So we started the match with no labels on our first target. However thanks to Gerry Koch and Paul Biedler, they were able to get things rolling! Gerry and Paul came out with the labels and while we shot our first card they were able to label our B and C cards and when we handed in our A targets they labeled those as well. Scoring went off without a hitch after that. Thank you Gerry and thank you Paul. Thank you Dave for handling registration and running the matches! And one more thank you to me as I spent nearly 2 hours Saturday evening getting the benches in place, scrounging up and placing target stands for the 75 yard match and getting fresh target backers to hold our targets.

Once all targets were scanned, a quick review and a few corrections (and I do mean a few, maybe 4 or 5 total), the preliminary results were ready. After an Orion printout of the top 3 shooters in each class were made all shooters were invited in to review their scores. They were given 20 minutes to make any challenges. No challenges were made! Scores were finalized and awards were handed out and the 50 Yard match was completed before 10:30 am. The 75 yard match started and finished earlier without any issues. Awards were handed out and the scores will be posted to our web site.

In the Heavy Varmint class Allen Surratt edged out Mark Buchanan by 1 point with a DEVIL'S score of 666 and 8 X's to Mark's 665 and 9 X's followed by Michael Schlesinger for 3rd with a 635 and 7 X's.

In the Open class it was Irwin Segerman with a 655 and 7 X's for 1st place. 2nd place went to Anthony Turchetta with a 621 and 7 X's followed by David Litt in third with a score of 616 and 5 X's.

Springer class had 1 brave soul. Chuck Woosley posted a 386 and 1 X!

October 16th will be our next match! We will start 1 hour later. Practice starting at 8 am, Registration ending at 8:20 am, Match starting at 9 am.

See you then! Oh yeah! Leave the wind at home! Do not bring it with you. If you do you will be sent home!

Your most DEPLORABLE Match Director

Andrew C Picard

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