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  Benchrest Match Report

October 2nd, 2016




​Well for the first time in our clubs history we had to call a rain-out. The morning started with ominous clouds coming from the south west. We decided to continue on... it rained during the first match. Then, it really rained the second match. We took a delay during the second match. After about 30 minutes we pressed on. The third relay, we had thunder and had to move the benches back since the winds changed and started to soak the tables.  The team persevered despite votes to see if we wanted to stop.  The targets survived a bit of moisture. Thanks to Jerry and Paul for helping score today. Shooting wise, we had only 21 shooters today in 25m and 10 in the 100m. Yesterday we were bumped by the Dept of Fish and Game, so it was a Sunday match this month. This was the last match before the EBR so we had some serious interest in continuing. Despite the bad rains, there was some excellent shooting. Ray Perron has proudly joined the 250 club today. Great job! He won HV by taking Kevin by one X, who took second.  The 100m match was no match for the rain. The targets suffered failure so we called it. We distributed our team shirts to more of the group. More to be ordered in about a month or two. Positive reviews from all. Thank you for moving the benches back everyone. 

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