Field Target Match Report

April 8th, 2017
This month's match we had a decent turnout of 11 shooters. Garrett the MD was out due to injury. Thanks for all who helped set up and break down. We were lucky to have the golf cart available to help with the process.
We had a visitor from California join us to check out the range.
Weather was perfect. A slight hint of warmness emerging reminding that summer is on the horizon. Winds were gentle breezes. We shot 10 lanes, 20 targets. The course was set up with two targets standing. One at 33 and the other at 44 yards. One kneeling at a mere 14 yards. The fine grumblings of shooters indicated the challenge was appropriate. The Troyer was set at 31.
All who attended saw the newly added lanes. New twists, and surprises. The beauty of this range, is the immersion of the Sonoran desert 🌵 around you. Some flowers and cacti were in full bloom.
We are considering opening up a competition to come up with creative names for each lane.
This may have been the last match of the season. Depending on the heat in May, we will make the call a week before. Then, the break over summer as we prepare for the Nationals in November.
Garrett Kwakkestein
Phoenix Airgun Club