Field Target Match Report

January 9th, 2016
The rain was cutting this morning pretty close. We had it all week and it cleared out of town just because we had our match. After watching the forecast all week, it said there would be clear blue skies on match day… and it was right!!! Couldn’t ask for anything better. Yes, it was a wee bit chilly in the morning, but by the time we started and everyone walked to their starting lanes, the jackets were coming off. it is too bad a shooter left (yea, Ray) with out even giving it a try. We had a new shooter show up, Roy who was “just checking things out”. Well, Chuck took him under his wing and loaned him a rifle. Thanks Chuck. Oh, he also brought out his grandson that shot with us once before, when he came into town the last time. Robert Buchanan, and Larry Nelson (with the pooches) came out to check things out. There was some pretty serious talk about some of our lesser mobile shooters getting scooters. I think there might be an actual parade if they pull the trigger and get em. Allen paved the way with his mobile cart with the gun-rack-handlebars. (Oh, he wasn’t able to make it today) We had a total of eight shooters. The overwhelming majority with springers again. Great to see that. I just can’t help but reiterate how just perfect the weather was. Boy all you scaredy-cats who wimped out sure missed out!!! Did I say the weather was perfect? We didn’t get the giant FT targets set up to shoot, we didn’t have strong enough string handy. But, we had em out for all to check out. Larry brought the PAD van and debuted a limited edition rifle from Daystate, and a new one from Brocock. Nice looking rifles! We had a discussion about start times. The overwhelming majority voted and agreed to start it an hour later during the winter season. So next month, we will start it at 1030. Registration opening at 0900.
So the match ran smoothly. No target mishaps. Some of the targets were decorated by Garrett’s 8 year old daughter. Complete with feathers and fur. Nicely done. No Troyer was calculated today due to Rio’s Annual meeting was about to kick off and we had to wrap things up quickly. There was zero wind all day. Did I say the weather was perfect? Oh, throughout the day we were privy to a host of old warbirds that flew overhead, check out the pictures! Thanks to those that stayed and help tidy up. Garrett was solo in setting up this morning. It would be great to get some volunteers next time. But since the weather was perfect, he enjoyed every moment of it. All ten lanes were used. There were a great variety of targets sizes used. The scores reflect a pretty well planned out match, based on the bell curve of skill levels. In the end, we had one tie for second place. Those two shooters were so pooped, they didn’t opt for the shoot off. It was agreed by them to do it benchrest-style and he who had the first miss, got third. That was Warren. Chuck got second and his grandson whooped his butt and got first in Hunter Spring.
See you next time!