10 Meter Rifle Match Report

August 21st, 2015
We had a good turnout of 10 shooters that participated in the 10 Meter Rifle match on Aug 21, 2015. We ran two relays. The match started about6:00 pm and ended about 7:50 pm. The new class ' 10 Meter Benchrest ' using a bi-pod attached appears to become very popular. Six of the ten shooters chose this class. We had to use 10 meter pistol targets as our order for rifle targets did not arrive on time. So, the highest score was 640.8 by Allen Surratt. Very close behind was Dennis Breen with 639.5. Fantastic shooting by both. Interesting that even with pistol targets a perfect score of 654 is a challenge. I expect that even these scores will be hard to attain using rifle targets moving forward. To date Ray Perron has the highest score for rifle targets with 613. This class is truely a hoot. We'll just have to see what the future brings. Its more challenging then you might think. Check out the match results attached.
A Typical match is now separated into four classes,
*** Off-hand standing, ( 18 yrs and older ).
*** 10 Meter Benchrest
*** NRA Adaptive Prone
*** Juniors ( 17 yrs and younger )
In a typical match all classes will shoot 2 shots per target. Five targets per round. Total 10 shots per 10 minute round. Six rounds for a 60 shot match. If one relay is required than a 75 minute limit is set. All 60 shots must be completed. Shooters will shoot 30 targets two shots each. Juniors may shoot 1 shot per target. 10 targets per 10 minute round. This format works best for juniors as they prepare for major sanctioned matches.
Please note the scores are shown in decimal units. Thus, no X's.You will find match results attached for each class and shows each shooter's results. Congratulations to all the shooters.Thanks to all that participated and helped clean up.