BR Silhouette Match Report

April 19th, 2014
The Benchrest Silhouette match on Saturday, April 19 had 10 participants. We received emails from shooters that could not participate do to Easter week end obligations. Thanks to those that sent emails. We also added a new class for Springers. Had four participants. All did well for the first time. The winds were gusty at first but diminished as the afternoon continued. Overall, a good day for the event.
All benchrest shooting was done using the existing tables. All the new benchrest benches were being powder coated and readied for the Air Gun Benchrest Nationals. Overall the event ended well with everyone having a great time.
Some improvements will be implemented for the next event. Such as better netting to capture the metal animals and marking each bench.
Match results for Standard Class first place went to Tom Grandberg with 39 knockdowns. Second place went to Larry Cofield with 33 knockdowns. Third place went to Brian Miller with 30 knockdowns.
First place for Springer Class went to Ken Wakefield with 20 knockdowns. Second Place went to Scott Bissonnette with 8 knockdowns and Third place went to Joe Furby with 6 knockdowns. Extreme Class first place went to Ray Perron with 22 knockdowns. Congratulations to all the shooters. Also, a big thanks to to everyone that helped throughout the match.