Phoenix Airgun Club
The 2023 Airgun Benchrest Target Invitational
March 10- 11 - 12, 2023

PAC Benchrest Target Invitational March 10-11-12, 2023
Greeting shooters,
The time is here again for the PAC Benchrest Invitational Target Match. Competition is to be held on March 10th thru 12th, 2023. Awards and Cash prizes and will be up for contention to all participants. A lunch will be given only on Saturday the 11th to all participants. Additionally, drawings will be at the Award ceremony on Sunday. Lunch is included in the Registration fee of $75.00.
The venue for this year is all participants will shoot the same format. The format is each participant will shoot three matches. Three cards per match. A total of 9 cards over two days of competition. The first match will be 25yds, the second match will be 50yd and the third match will be 50ft. Awards will be given 1st thru 3rd place for each match.
RULES for this year’s competition is match specific to this BR Invitational:
1) Ammo must be commercially available PELLETS only up to and including 22 caliber max.
2) Each match is an Unlimited class.
3) Any pellet air rifle allowed.
4) Any type of two piece or one piece rest allowed.
5) Air charging during match prep time must be at the bench with muzzle pointing down range. All air tanks kept at the bench when not in use must be on the ground next to the bench. Air charging during the course of fire (20 min) is allowed. Note: Shooters with untethered air tanks needing to charge their rifles can place their air tank on top of the bench to do so. Then return their air tank on the ground next to their bench. (Caution must be exercised not to disturb any shooters.) External regulators tethered to a rifle are allowed. Shooter air tanks may be refilled after each match.
6) All air tanks must be placed on tables behind the yellow line on a table or on the ground next to your shooting bench.
7) Shooters may be DQ’d for the current card being shot if firing before the COMMENCE fire command or after the CEASE fire command.
8) Shooters must remain at their bench during the course of fire until the cease fire command. (Quiet must be exercised so not to disturb other shooters). The exception is if going to the restroom or any other reason a shooter returning must remain behind the yellow line.
9) On completion of the final card of each match shooters must not remove anything from the bench before the cease fire command. To do so may cause a DQ for that match. This rule is in addition to rule #7. Shooters will be instructed when to remove their rifle and items.
10) Shooters must remain behind the yellow line during a cold line and when instructed to do so.
11) Proper conduct is expected at all times during the match and anywhere on the shooting range. Not to do so may result in expulsion from the match and maybe the range.
12) Any grievance should be brought to the attention of the match director or division director. If desired all grievances may to emailed to the phoenix airgun club.
13) Wearing eye glasses is mandatory at all times on the shooting range.
14) All match cards will be electronically scored. Each shooter will receive a shooting report for each match. A shooter may review and protest any target bull. A shooter must identify the selected target bulls first before presenting a protest. Protest may be reviewed with a scoring official. Only the scoring official has the final word. All protest must be presented before the award ceremony on Sunday and after the last match and preliminary completion of scoring. Remember proper conduct is expected.
15) Any conflicts or concerns need to be brought to the attention of the Match Director. The Match Director has final say on all issues.
***** Competition Schedule *****
Friday, March 10th:
1) Sign-in: From 7:00 am to 5:00 pm in the Small Bore Class Room building #705 across from Small Bore Range.
2) Bench assignment drawing. ( Shooter bench rotation after each match)
3) Sight-in and practice on the small bore range.
Saturday, March 11th:
1) Benchrest 25yd target match starts at 9:00 am
2) Lunch at 11:30 noon
3) Benchrest 50yd target match starts at 1:00 pm
Sunday, March 12th:
1) Benchrest 50ft target match starts at 9:00 am
2) Award Ceremony at 12:00 noon. Location is in the OETC building.
Note: Any protest must be completed before the awards ceremony. Score reports will be available after Sunday’s 50ft match as soon as preliminary scoring is completed. Score reports will made available in the OETC by request only.